Armand, Alfred. Les medailleurs italiens des quinzieme et seizieme siecles. 2nd edn, augmentee. Paris: Plon, 1883 – 87. I, p.78, 1, Hill, George Francis. A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini. 2 vols. London: British Museum, 1930. 332: cf. Artuk, Ibrahim and Cevriye Artuk. Fatih’in Sikke ve Madalya-lari. Istnabul: Belediye Matbassi. 1946. p39 and pls. VII and VIII
Armand, Alfred. Les medailleurs italiens des quinzieme et seizieme siecles. 2nd edn, augmentee. Paris: Plon, 1883 – 87. I, p.76, 1, Hill, George Francis. A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini. 2 vols. London: British Museum, 1930. 911: cf. Artuk, Ibrahim and Cevriye Artuk. Fatih’in Sikke ve Madalya-lari. Istnabul: Belediye Matbassi. 1946. p.38-9 and pl. VI
Armand, Alfred. Les medailleurs italiens des quinzieme et seizieme siecles. 2nd edn, augmentee. Paris: Plon, 1883 – 87. I, p.78, Hill, George Francis. A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini. 2 vols. London: British Museum, 1930. 432, cf. Artuk, Ibrahim and Cevriye Artuk. Fatih’in Sikke ve Madalya-lari. Istnabul: Belediye Matbassi. 1946. p.38 and pl. V
Forrer, L. Biographical Dictionary of Medallists. 8 vols., London: Spink and Sons, 1904 – 30. I, 639, Not in Hennin, Michel. Histoire Numismatique de la Revolution Francaise. Paris: Merlin, 1826.
Henseler, Ant. Antoine Bovy, artiste-graveur en Medaliies: Sa vie et se principales oeuvres. Fribourg, 1881. 99 ( mid-19th Century restrike), as catalog no. 6175, but thicker.